Data Structures
Spring 2024
Schedule: Tue/Thu 1:00pm-2:30pm
Location: GIST College Building A (N4), Room 227 (Zoom Online) / Class Colab
Instructor: Ue-Hwan, Kim (
Office: GIST Central Research Facilities (C11) 407
Office Hour: Thu 3pm-4pm or by appointment
Hyung-Chan, Jeon (
- Lecture formats
- [Feb. 27 ~ Mar. 14] Pre-recorded lectures + Recitations with UHKim
- [Mar. 19 ~ Mar. 28] Online live lectures + Recitatinos (Pre-recorded)
- [Apr. 2 ~ Apr. 11] Face-to-face lectures + Recitations (Pre-recorded)
- Review report (RR) format available here
- Recitation starts from Mar. 7
- I received some reports regarding copying other students’ RR, HW or etc.
- (다른 학생의 과제물을 베낀 사례가 발견되고 있습니다.)
- By Mar. 15, email me if you copied other students’ content.
- (Honor code를 위반한 학생들은 3월 15일까지 이메일 보내기 바랍니다.)
- I have zero tolerance policy regarding academic integrity.
- (학문적 진실성에 대해서는 무관용 정책입니다.)
- [Midterm] Date: Apr. 16, 1pm-3pm / Location: GIST College Building C (N6), Room 104
- Bring your student ID card
- Result is released!
- Claim during May. 2, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm (after recitation)
- Mid-course feedback: Let us know your opionion through this survey (~Apr. 18)
- Lecture formats (what 75% of students opt for)
- [Apr. 23 ~ May 30] Pre-recorded lectures + Recitations with UHKim
- Recitation starts from May 2.
- [Final Exam] Date: Jun. 11, 1pm-3pm / Location: GIST College Building C (N6), Room 104
- Bring your student ID card
- Check your result here
- +) Homework result and RR result
- If something went wrong, please contact me by Jun. 26
This course deals with the fundamentals of data structures; the very foundation of computer science. This course covers various types of data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, etc. and entails lots of hands-on experiences. After this course, students will be able to implement fundamental data structures and design their own data structures for their programs.